The modern
Retraction has 3 cannulas of different lengths and a modern design with easy grip, allowing better handling by the surgeon when performing procedures.
Cannula of Ø 4mm and 300mm length, ideal for procedures in large areas of the body such as the abdomen, arms, buttocks and thighs.
LipoTraction and its surgeonsDSGN technology preserves surgical ergonomics with a futuristic and intelligent design

LiftTraction is one of the smallest skin retraction handpieces in the world, measuring only Ø2mm and 80mm length.
Designed with ultra light sofTech technology, ideal for lifTraction small areas such as nasolabial fold, eyelids and cellulite dimples.

Cannula of Ø 2mm and 180mm length, ideal for moderately invasive procedures in the facial, neck and jowls, becoming a promise for profiling in these areas.

eMulsify Pulse
eMulsify Tech is a powerful pulsed mode that emulsifies intradermal fat through intermittent bursts of energy for more comfortable liposuction.
reTraction Pulse
reTraction manages to treat flaccidity and enhance the results of liposuction. Emitting a frequency at 460Khz, it retracts the skin, triggering new collagen and elastin fibers.
eMulsify Pulse
eMulsify Tech is a powerful pulsed mode that emulsifies intradermal fat through intermittent bursts of energy for more comfortable liposuction.
reTraction Pulse
reTraction manages to treat flaccidity and enhance the results of liposuction. Emitting a frequency at 460Khz, it retracts the skin, triggering new collagen and elastin fibers.
GTraction, a la vanguardia del
rejuvenecimiento íntimo.
GTraction es la opción más noble y revolucionaria para el rejuvenecimiento del canal vaginal, regenerando el colágeno y la elasticidad muscular de las paredes internas vaginales.
Gracias a la tecnología goBACK podemos monitorear la temperatura durante el tratamiento ofreciéndole seguridad al operador y al paciente. brindando resultados desde la primera sesión y sin ningún tipo de incapacidad.
para optimizar resultados.
Apostándole a la optimización de resultados de marcación abdominal después de lipoesculturas, faceLIFT, bodyLIFT y el manejo de fibrosis.
SynergyTraction se destaca como tecnología líder en regeneración, bodyshaping y procedimientos no quirúrgicos. Emitendo energía profundamente con una lluvia de electrones que entran en contacto con las moléculas de agua, desencadenando un proceso de disminución de los adipositos grasos.